Childcare settings provide the perfect space for kids to begin exploring their curiosity, intelligence and interests. However, if children haven’t been exposed to many other people before they join their childcare facility, they will likely begin bringing many colds and viruses home. This isn’t out of the ordinary as it is the first time that many children face various types of bacteria they may not have encountered before. It is during this time that they also develop a strong immunity, as their bodies begin to learn how to fight off common infections.
Though, despite the normality, childcare workers and cleaning staff must be doing everything to ensure that infection is minimised. This can prevent children from becoming seriously or repeatedly sick, which impacts their ability to form friendships, learn and have fun.
The following blog shows how the Rubbermaid Commercial Products HYGEN Microfibre can be used on various objects and surfaces to reduce the risk of infection transmission to help kids continue feeling their best.
Use Rubbermaid HYGEN Microfibre to sanitise toys
Toys are shared amongst children. They are a great way to stimulate pretend play and boost socialisation. Though, as they are hands-on, toys can be a hub for germs and bacteria. It is important to note that infection doesn’t just spread from sick childcare students. Some ways that toys can become infected include:
Between breaks, such as during lunchtime or during nap time, childcare staff should take the time to sanitise all toys that were in use. Wooden, plastic and other solid toys can be wiped over with a Rubbermaid HYGEN Microfibre cloth and a child-safe sanitiser solution. Cloth toys, though they aren’t recommended in childcare settings as they can be a beacon for bacteria, should be washed in a washing machine after each day to eradicate germs.
Use Rubbermaid HYGEN Microfibre to sanitise beds
Children will rarely be allocated their own beds for nap time in childcare settings. This is mainly because different children will attend class on various days and the turnaround for childcare students is high year on year. For this reason, between each nap break, a different student will likely use each bed. This creates a hub for bacteria to live and grow, which can make students fall sick.
Before each nap time, students should be encouraged to use the bathroom and wash their hands using Rubbermaid Touch-Free Soap Dispensers. This doesn’t eliminate but can reduce the risk of wetting the bed, which can leave harmful bacteria behind. Washing their hands also ensures that infectious bacteria from other students and the outdoors are eradicated to reduce the risk that harmful pathogens make their way onto each bed.
After students wake up and head back to their fun and games, staff should sanitise each bed using Rubbermaid HYGEN Microfibre and the correct child-safe sanitiser solution. Taking this precaution can prevent bacteria from growing and spreading between each use. Sanitisation is especially important if the beds are stackable, as one infected bed could carry bacteria across the whole set.
Use Rubbermaid HYGEN mops to sanitise bathroom floors
Childcare bathrooms are often the most infection-infested area of the premises. Primarily, this is due to a few reasons, including:
Despite this, with the use of Rubbermaid HYGEN Microfibre, these bathrooms can remain infection free.
However, bathroom facilities require more than just cleaning fixtures. In fact, cleaning the floor using Rubbermaid HYGEN launderable and reusable launderable microfibre can guarantee that contagious bacteria is eradicated from all areas of the premise. It’s important that staff are conscious of which Rubbermaid HYGEN product to use at each time. For example, disposable microfibre should be utilised for faecal waste, as this can prevent contaminating other cloths on the premises. Staff can always remind themselves of the best cleaning practices using the Rubbermaid training portal.
It is recommended that all bathroom floors are cleaned and sanitised at a minimum of once every two hours. Though, childcare staff should also utilise Rubbermaid HYGEN when required. For example, if the children have just finished playing outside and have all been instructed to wash their hands, the bathroom will become soiled more quickly due to mud, waste and sand on their shoes.
Rubbermaid HYGEN Microfibre will keep your premises infection free
If you operate, own or work in a childcare facility, the Rubbermaid HYGEN Microfibre range is a must-add to your premises. Using innovative technology, it can pick up more pathogens to guarantee your premises are as infection-free as possible. Plus, the launderable range has been innovated to be long-lasting and can withstand up to 500 washes.
Find out more by chatting with us today.